Mofi – Figma Admin Dashboard & UI Kit Template
Mofi- Multipurpose dashboard. The Perfect Figma Template Admin Ui Kit. The design system, components, Autolayout, and Fully Customizable outlined here will provide a solid foundation for your project with dark and light modes.

Mofi unique dashboard
- 1. Default dashboard
- 2. Ecommerce dashboard
- 3. Project dashboard
- 4. Education dashboard
Other Pages
- Project list
- Create new
- File maneger
- Kanban board
- Ecommerce
- Add products
- Product
- Display category
- Product page
- Product list
- Payment details
- Recent orders
- Invoices
- Letter box
- Privat chat
- Group chat
- User profile
- Bookmarks
- contacts
- Tasks
- Calender
- Social app
- To-do
- Serch result
- Forms
- Tables
- Typography
- Color palette
- Bootstrap color
- Accodion
- Alerts
- Badges
- Breadcrumb
- Buttons
- Buttons group
- Card
- Carousel
- Collapse
- Dropdowns
- List Groups
- Modal
- Navs & tabs
- Offcanvas
- Pagination
- Progress
- Avatars
- Helper classes
- Model
- Charts
- Gallery
- Blog
- Faq
- Job search
- Courses
- Social app
- Knowledgebase
- Support ticket
- Letter box
- Kanban board
The figma include –
- figma files
- Documentation
How to edit figma:
To modify the figma file, you must have Figma installed on your computer (and if you don't, click here to get it: Then, on the right side of the figma home page, click the "import button" to add the figma file. After importing a file, open it and you'll see the design system on the first page titled "Design system."You can change the colour and font of the entire program with a single click in the design system (if you don't have the mentioned font on your computer, you can get it from Figma> Typography > "Download font") because of all of the design systems are built using auto layout and components, making it extremely simple to customise, layer, card, and many more. Then there is a second page labelled "Light mode & Dark mode" where you can see 150+ pages that are developed in detail. All pages have auto layouts so that you may customise the order of each component. You can even add your own section, and it will change space automatically. Where all of the pages interact with one another using advanced levels of animation, as well as to understand the user journey and where they will be redirected after clicking on specific buttons, or what type of error they would receive after any incorrect performance.
Font Used
Outfit, DM Sans
Icons Used
Vuesax Icon
Note :
- We don’t offer a refund. (if theme is already downloaded)
- Please read the description and version compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake.
All graphic images & Videos are used for demo sample only and NOT included in the purchase packages.